Creative Business Summit

July is here already!

How has that happened? This year is full of change for me and my family, and I am shocked at how fast things are moving- but also so ready to embrace change! Our little cottage is still for sale (so if you feel like sending any “Real Estate Vibes” my way, I am ALL about it. ) We are learning how to be more and more patient as each day plugs along, but we are living strangely in our own home- so that is odd!

Things have been busy both personally and in business. I have been making all types of moves behind the scenes and planning for the future of this art journey. (I’ll share more on that later) One thing that was a highlight of June was sitting down with Kelly McCausey to chat about my art journey, and how a love of mine, and something that is therapeutic to me became a viable business. It has never really seemed like the timing has worked out to sit down and share my thoughts, but in the new habit I have of not making myself small, and shrinking myself when presented with opportunities I said a big “YES”

Kelly was a wonderful host, and it felt super authentic and real just chatting with her, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be interviewed alongside other wonderful speakers. If you want to catch the replay you can find that here.

Love and Light friends 💕